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Kale'd Out?!

I <3 Kale but seeing as spring time is here we thought we would bring something different to the table. Spring greens are also really Iron rich which can help with any lingering winter fatigue.

This souper healthy Vegan soup is rich in flavour, nutrition and warmthhh… as lets face it its still pretty cold out!

It combines seasonal ingredients with a vegan balanced meal and our hemp seed pesto.


2 medium sized potatoes.

2 cloves of garlic

Sunflower Oil

Half an onion

200g spring greens


salt, pepper, dried rosemary, thyme, cayenne pepper, oregano and basil.

Coconut milk to taste.

Peel and chop garlic. Thinly slice the potatoes, onions and leeks. Fry in a pan until they are gently softened.

Pour in a whole kettles worth of water, add salt, pepper, rosemary, cayenne pepper, thyme, oregano and basil. (We love herbs and spices)

Throw in the spring greens and let this all simmer together for a good 15 minutes.

Once the spring greens are soft and all the ingredients have soaked in together take the soup off the heat and let it cool for around 5 minutes.

Take a stick blender and blitz it all together. This should make it all become a smooth pea green colour.

When you wish to eat, gently warm back up, add any extra herbs and spices if necessary and a dash of coconut milk!

Then at the table take a spoon of our hemp pesto, available at our markets (we used the vegan one) and swirl it in for extra flavour and hemp goodness!

We like to make up a big batch and enjoy it for daaaaays!

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